:: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a] -package:unliftio -package:lifted-base -package:exceptions

Replace a subsequence everywhere it occurs.
replace "el" "_" "Hello Bella" == "H_lo B_la"
replace "el" "e" "Hello"       == "Helo"
replace "" "x" "Hello"         == "xHxexlxlxox"
replace "" "x" ""              == "x"
\xs ys -> replace xs xs ys == ys
Given a list and a replacement list, replaces each occurance of the search list with the replacement list in the operation list. Example:
replace "," "." "127,0,0,1" -> ""
This could logically be thought of as:
replace old new l = join new . split old $ l
\(NonEmpty xs) ys -> replace xs xs ys == (ys::String)
\(NonEmpty xs) (NonEmpty ys) -> equating (take 1000) (replace xs ys (cycle xs)) (cycle (ys::String))
Replaces a subsequence by another in a sequence Taken from http://bluebones.net/2007/01/replace-in-haskell/
>>> replace "foo" "baz" "foobar"

>>> replace "some" "thing" "something something"
"thingthing thingthing"

>>> replace "not" "" "something"

>>> replace "" "here" "something"
between open close p parses open, followed by p and close. Returns the value returned by p.
braces  = between (symbol "{") (symbol "}")
between open close p parses open, followed by p and close. Returns the value returned by p.
braces = between (symbol "{") (symbol "}")
Same as bracket, but does not pass the acquired resource to cleanup and use functions. For more information, see base's bracket_.
A variant of bracketOnError where the return value from the first computation is not required.
Async safe version of bracket_
A variant of bracketOnError where the return value from the first computation is not required.
Async safe version of bracket_
A variant of bracketOnError where the return value from the first computation is not required.
Parse a bracketed item, discarding the brackets. If everything matches except the closing bracket, the whole parse fails soft, which can give less-than-satisfying error messages. If you want better error messages, try calling with e.g. bracket open (commit close) item
A variant of bracket where the return value from the first computation is not required.
Generalized version of bracket_. Note, any monadic side effects in m of both the "acquire" and "release" computations will be discarded. To keep the monadic side effects of the "acquire" computation, use bracket with constant functions instead.
Point-wise conditional
if' lifted to Monad. Unlike liftM3 if', this is short-circuiting in the monad, such that only the predicate action and one of the remaining argument actions are executed.