empty -package:vector -package:aeson -package:bytestring

The identity of <|>
O(1) The empty Text.
An empty immutable array.
The empty stream.
Smart constructor for Empty.
The empty map.
empty      == fromList []
size empty == 0
The empty set.
The empty map.
empty      == fromList []
size empty == 0
The empty sequence.
The empty set.
O(1). The empty ShortByteString.
Construct an empty map.
Construct an empty set.
>>> HashSet.empty
fromList []
O(1). The empty Builder, satisfying
The empty document, with no height and no width. empty is the identity for <>, <+>, $$ and $+$, and anywhere in the argument list for sep, hcat, hsep, vcat, fcat etc.
The empty document, with no height and no width. empty is the identity for <>, <+>, $$ and $+$, and anywhere in the argument list for sep, hcat, hsep, vcat, fcat etc.
Construct the empty value for a datatype. For algebraic datatypes, the leftmost constructor is chosen.
An empty Graph.
Create an empty byte array
Create an empty byte array
empty is a DList with no elements. empty obeys the law:
toList empty = []