!= -package:data-lens-light -package:lens-family-core -package:microaeson -package:hledger-web

Fulfill a promise. Each promise should only be fulfilled once.
>>> runLazy_ $ \p -> p != "good"
>>> runLazy_ $ \p -> do q <- promise_; p != "yay! " ++ demand q; q != "it works."
"yay! it works."
>>> runLazy_ $ \p -> return ()
*** Exception: BrokenPromise
>>> runLazy (\p -> return ()) "default"
Non-equality check.


selectSimon :: MonadIO m => ReaderT SqlBackend m [Entity User]
selectSimon = selectList [UserName !=. "SPJ" ] []
The above query when applied on dataset-1, will produce this:
|id   |name |age  |
|2    |Simon|41   |
Equality == lifted over errorToLeft
> 1 `div` 1  !==!  2 `div` 2
> 1 `div` 1  !==!  1 `div` 2
> 1 `div` 1  !==!  1 `div` 0
> 6 `mod` 0  !==!  2 `div` 0
> head []  !==!  tail []
> error "a"  !==!  error "a"
> error "a"  !==!  error "b"
On error, this function returns the result of comparing the first line of error values.
The connective between route patterns and the handler that parses the body, which allows post params to be extracted with param and allows file to work (otherwise, it will trigger a runtime error).
Helper for use in combination with .:? to provide default values for optional JSON object fields. This combinator is most useful if the key and value can be absent from an object without affecting its validity and we know a default value to assign in that case. If the key and value are mandatory, use .: instead. Example usage:
v1 <- o .:? "opt_field_with_dfl" .!= "default_val"
v2 <- o .:  "mandatory_field"
v3 <- o .:? "opt_field2"
Retrieve the value associated with the given key of an Object. If the key is not present or the field is null and the omittedField is Just x for some x, the result will be that x. This differs from .:?= by attempting to parse Null the same as any other JSON value, instead of using omittedField when it's Just.
JS infix Equality operators
JS infix Equality operators
Strictly modify a field of the state.
Defaulting helper to be used with .:? or .:!.
For use with envMaybe for providing default arguments.
WarningParser version of .!=.