== -package:foundation -package:smallcheck -package:termonad -package:linear-base package:shake

Match a FilePattern against a FilePath, There are three special forms:
  • * matches an entire path component, excluding any separators.
  • // matches an arbitrary number of path components, including absolute path prefixes.
  • ** as a path component matches an arbitrary number of path components, but not absolute path prefixes. Currently considered experimental.
Some examples:
  • test.c matches test.c and nothing else.
  • *.c matches all .c files in the current directory, so file.c matches, but file.h and dir/file.c don't.
  • //*.c matches all .c files anywhere on the filesystem, so file.c, dir/file.c, dir1/dir2/file.c and /path/to/file.c all match, but file.h and dir/file.h don't.
  • dir/*/* matches all files one level below dir, so dir/one/file.c and dir/two/file.h match, but file.c, one/dir/file.c, dir/file.h and dir/one/two/file.c don't.
Patterns with constructs such as foo/../bar will never match normalised FilePath values, so are unlikely to be correct.