filesize -package:basement -package:flac -package:pantry -package:slack-api -package:unix -package:tar -package:ghc-lib -package:tar-conduit -package:hackage-security

File size.
Set to 0 if unknown or a directory
Size of the file in bytes. If this file is a symbolic link the size is the length of the pathname it contains.
Size of the file in bytes. Does not follow symlinks
The size of a file in the base of a merge or pull request.
The size of a file in the destination of a merge or pull request.
The size of a file in the source of a merge or pull request.
Information about the size of files in a merge or pull request. See: newFileSizes smart constructor.
For a handle hdl which attached to a physical file, hFileSize hdl returns the size of that file in 8-bit bytes.
hSetFileSize hdl size truncates the physical file with handle hdl to size bytes.
Obtain the size of a file in bytes.
Obtain the size of a file in bytes.
Convenience function for obtaining the size of a file.
Lifted getFileSize.