filesize -package:basement -package:ghc-lib -package:http-client -package:stack -package:unix -package:koofr-client -is:exact -package:ghc -package:filemanip -package:pantry -is:exact -package:unix-compat

Set to 0 if unknown or a directory
Size of the file in bytes. Does not follow symlinks
File size
File size in bytes.
File size in bytes. Read-only attribute represented as a Natural.
The size of a file in the base of a merge or pull request.
The size of a file in the destination of a merge or pull request.
The size of a file in the source of a merge or pull request.
For some files we might not know the size beforehand, but we might be able to provide an upper bound (timestamp, root info)
For most files we download we know the exact size beforehand (because this information comes from the snapshot or delegated info)
Information about the size of files in a merge or pull request. See: newFileSizes smart constructor.
For a handle hdl which attached to a physical file, hFileSize hdl returns the size of that file in 8-bit bytes.
hSetFileSize hdl size truncates the physical file with handle hdl to size bytes.
Obtain the size of a file in bytes.
Obtain the size of a file in bytes.