insert module:Data.Set -package:containers

Insert a new key and value in the map.
O(log n). Insert an element in a set. If the set already contains an element equal to the given value, it is replaced with the new value.
O(log n). Convert a Set into an NESet by adding a value. Because of this, we know that the set must have at least one element, and so therefore cannot be empty. See insertSetMin for a version that is constant-time if the new value is strictly smaller than all values in the original set
insertSet 4 (Data.Set.fromList [5, 3]) == fromList (3 :| [4, 5])
insertSet 4 Data.Set.empty == singleton 4 "c"
O(log n) Convert a Set into an NESet by adding a value where the value is strictly less than all values in the input set The values in the original map must all be strictly greater than the new value. The precondition is not checked. While this has the same asymptotics as insertSet, it saves a constant factor for key comparison (so may be helpful if comparison is expensive) and also does not require an Ord instance for the key type.
insertSetMin 7 (Data.Set.fromList [5, 3]) == fromList (3 :| [5, 7])
valid (insertSetMin 7 (Data.Set.fromList [5, 3])) == True
valid (insertSetMin 2 (Data.Set.fromList [5, 3])) == False
valid (insertSetMin 5 (Data.Set.fromList [5, 3])) == False
O(1) Convert a Set into an NESet by adding a value where the value is strictly less than all values in the input set The values in the original map must all be strictly greater than the new value. The precondition is not checked.
insertSetMin 2 (Data.Set.fromList [5, 3]) == fromList (2 :| [3, 5])
valid (insertSetMin 2 (Data.Set.fromList [5, 3])) == True
valid (insertSetMin 7 (Data.Set.fromList [5, 3])) == False
valid (insertSetMin 3 (Data.Set.fromList [5, 3])) == False
O(log n). Insert new value into a set where values are /strictly less than the new value. That is, the new value must be strictly greater than all values present in the Set. The precondition is not checked./ While this has the same asymptotics as Data.Set.insert, it saves a constant factor for value comparison (so may be helpful if comparison is expensive) and also does not require an Ord instance for the value type.
O(log n). Insert new value into a set where values are strictly greater than the new values That is, the new value must be strictly less than all values present in the Set. /The precondition is not checked./ While this has the same asymptotics as Data.Set.insert, it saves a constant factor for value comparison (so may be helpful if comparison is expensive) and also does not require an Ord instance for the value type.