:: FilePath -> String -package:turtle -package:easy-file -package:sydtest -package:classy-prelude

Get the extension of a file, returns "" for no extension, .ext otherwise.
takeExtension "/directory/path.ext" == ".ext"
takeExtension x == snd (splitExtension x)
Valid x => takeExtension (addExtension x "ext") == ".ext"
Valid x => takeExtension (replaceExtension x "ext") == ".ext"
Get all extensions.
takeExtensions "/directory/path.ext" == ".ext"
takeExtensions "file.tar.gz" == ".tar.gz"
Get the base name, without an extension or path.
takeBaseName "/directory/file.ext" == "file"
takeBaseName "file/test.txt" == "test"
takeBaseName "dave.ext" == "dave"
takeBaseName "" == ""
takeBaseName "test" == "test"
takeBaseName (addTrailingPathSeparator x) == ""
takeBaseName "file/file.tar.gz" == "file.tar"
Attempt to convert a FilePath to a string suitable for use with functions in System.IO. The contents of this string are platform‐dependent, and are not guaranteed to be human‐readable. For converting FilePaths to a human‐readable format, use toText. Since: 0.3.1
Derive module name from specified path.
Convert a filepath to an URL starting from the site root Example:
toUrl "foo/bar.html"
This also sanitizes the URL, e.g. converting spaces into '%20'
Deprecated: Use id
Convert a FilePath to a platform‐specific format, suitable for use with external OS functions. Note: The type platformTextFormat can change depending upon the underlying compilation platform. Consider using toText or encodeString instead. See Rules for more information. Since: 0.3
A specialised variant of showsPrec, using precedence context zero, and returning an ordinary String.
Convert a generic value into a pretty Value, if possible.
The type passed in must have a Show instance which produces a valid Haskell expression. Returns an empty String if this is not the case. This is not TH-specific, but useful in general.
show, but with an extra underscore so that its promoted counterpart (Show_) will not clash with the Show class.
Use the Show class to create a String. Note that this is not efficient, since an intermediate [Char] is going to be created before turning into a real String.
Pretty show. An easier alias for pretty-simple's pShow. This will probably show in colour if useColorOnStderr is true.
Monochrome version of pshow. This will never show in colour.