Integral -package:aeson-optics -package:optics-core -package:lens-aeson -package:stack is:module

TextShow instances and monomorphic functions for integral types. Since: 2
Functions for parsing and producing Integral values from/to ByteStrings based on the "Char8" encoding. That is, we assume an ASCII-compatible encoding of alphanumeric characters. Since: 0.3.0
Integral classes
Parsers for integral numbers written in positional numeral systems.
Print integral numbers in common positional numeral systems.
Integral class operators applied point-wise on streams.
Safe overrides of the methods of class Integral.
Code needed in chapter 24 of the book Learn Physics with Functional Programming
Generally before using quot and rem, think twice. In most cases divMod and friends are the right choice, because they fulfill more of the wanted properties. On some systems quot and rem are more efficient and if you only use positive numbers, you may be happy with them. But we cannot warrant the efficiency advantage. See also: Daan Leijen: Division and Modulus for Computer Scientists,