Integral -package:aeson-optics -package:optics-core -package:lens-aeson is:exact -is:module

Integral numbers, supporting integer division. The Haskell Report defines no laws for Integral. However, Integral instances are customarily expected to define a Euclidean domain and have the following properties for the div/mod and quot/rem pairs, given suitable Euclidean functions f and g:
  • x = y * quot x y + rem x y with rem x y = fromInteger 0 or g (rem x y) < g y
  • x = y * div x y + mod x y with mod x y = fromInteger 0 or f (mod x y) < f y
An example of a suitable Euclidean function, for Integer's instance, is abs. In addition, toInteger should be total, and fromInteger should be a left inverse for it, i.e. fromInteger (toInteger i) = i.
Integral numbers, supporting integer division. The Haskell Report defines no laws for Integral. However, Integral instances are customarily expected to define a Euclidean domain and have the following properties for the div/mod and quot/rem pairs, given suitable Euclidean functions f and g:
  • x = y * quot x y + rem x y with rem x y = fromInteger 0 or g (rem x y) < g y
  • x = y * div x y + mod x y with mod x y = fromInteger 0 or f (mod x y) < f y
An example of a suitable Euclidean function, for Integer's instance, is abs.
Integral numbers, supporting integer division. The Haskell Report defines no laws for Integral. However, Integral instances are customarily expected to define a Euclidean domain and have the following properties for the div/mod and quot/rem pairs, given suitable Euclidean functions f and g:
  • x = y * quot x y + rem x y with rem x y = fromInteger 0 or g (rem x y) < g y
  • x = y * div x y + mod x y with mod x y = fromInteger 0 or f (mod x y) < f y
An example of a suitable Euclidean function, for Integer's instance, is abs. In addition, toInteger should be total, and fromInteger should be a left inverse for it, i.e. fromInteger (toInteger i) = i.
Integral numbers, supporting integer division.
Integral Literal support e.g. 123 :: Integer 123 :: Word8
An Integral is anything that satisfies the law:
\a b -> b == zero || b * (a `div` b) + (a `mod` b) == a
>>> 3 `divMod` 2
>>> (-3) `divMod` 2
>>> (-3) `quotRem` 2
Integral numbers, supporting integer division. The Haskell Report defines no laws for Integral. However, Integral instances are customarily expected to define a Euclidean domain and have the following properties for the 'div'/'mod' and 'quot'/'rem' pairs, given suitable Euclidean functions f and g:
  • x = y * quot x y + rem x y with rem x y = fromInteger 0 or g (rem x y) < g y
  • x = y * div x y + mod x y with mod x y = fromInteger 0 or f (mod x y) < f y
An example of a suitable Euclidean function, for Integer's instance, is abs.