Monad -package:rerebase -package:haskell-gi-base is:module -package:hsp

The Functor, Monad and MonadPlus classes, with some useful operations on monads.
The environment in which most criterion code executes.
The TPipelineClass and MonadUse classes and associated types
Hides away distracting bookkeeping while lambda lifting into a LiftM monad.
JS codegen state monad
Monadic definitions for the constraint solver
Functions for working with the typechecker environment (setters, getters...).
Utilities related to Monad and Applicative classes Mostly for backwards compatibility.
Monadic Graphs
Monadic Graph Algorithms
Reexporting useful monadic stuff.
Internal stuff that most people shouldn't have to use. This module mostly deals with the internals of the CGIT monad transformer.
Monad properties You will need TypeApplications to use these.
Monad class implementing an Open Sound Control transport.
Reexporting useful monadic stuff.
Allow to run operation in ST and IO, without having to distinguinsh between the two. Most operations exposes the bare nuts and bolts of how IO and ST actually works, and relatively easy to shoot yourself in the foot this is highly similar to the Control.Monad.Primitive in the primitive package