HTTP module:Network -package:gravatar -package:http-client -package:curl

The HTTP module provides a simple interface for sending and receiving content over HTTP in Haskell. Here's how to fetch a document from a URL and return it as a String:
simpleHTTP (getRequest "") >>= fmap (take 100) . getResponseBody
-- fetch document and return it (as a 'String'.)
Other functions let you control the submission and transfer of HTTP Requests and Responses more carefully, letting you integrate the use of HTTP functionality into your application. The module also exports the main types of the package, Request and Response, along with Header and functions for working with these. The actual functionality is implemented by modules in the Network.HTTP.* namespace, letting you either use the default implementation here by importing Network.HTTP or, for more specific uses, selectively import the modules in Network.HTTP.*. To wit, more than one kind of representation of the bulk data that flows across a HTTP connection is supported. (see Network.HTTP.HandleStream.) NOTE: The Request send actions will normalize the Request prior to transmission. Normalization such as having the request path be in the expected form and, possibly, introduce a default Host: header if one isn't already present. Normalization also takes the "user:pass@" portion out of the the URI, if it was supplied, and converts it into Authorization: Basic$ header. If you do not want the requests tampered with, but sent as-is, please import and use the the Network.HTTP.HandleStream or Network.HTTP.Stream modules instead. They export the same functions, but leaves construction and any normalization of Request@s to the user. NOTE: This package only supports HTTP; it does not support HTTPS. Attempts to use HTTPS result in an error.
A layer on top of the HTTP functions in the http-client library which lifts the return values to the typeclasses we are using in this library. Non 200 responses are converted into MonadError errors.
Given host name, produce a Url which has “http” as its scheme and empty path. This also sets port to 80.
Begin constructing a Request, starting with the request line.
HTTP Version. Note that the Show instance is intended merely for debugging.
HTTP/2 specific data. Since: 3.2.7
An exception which may be generated by this library
Most exceptions are specific to a Request. Inspect the HttpExceptionContent value for details on what occurred.
An exception was thrown when inflating a response body.
Implements HTTP Basic Authentication. This module may add digest authentication in the future.
A type class for things that can be interpreted as an HTTP RequestBody.
This type function allows any HTTP body if method says it CanHaveBody. When the method says it should have NoBody, the only body option to use is NoReqBody.
HttpConfig contains settings to be used when making HTTP requests.
Exceptions that this library throws.
A type class for types that can be used as an HTTP method. To define a non-standard method, follow this example that defines COPY:
data COPY = COPY

instance HttpMethod COPY where
type AllowsBody COPY = 'CanHaveBody
httpMethodName Proxy = "COPY"
A type class for response interpretations. It allows us to describe how to consume the response from a Response BodyReader and produce the final result that is to be returned to the user.