NominalDiffTime -is:exact -package:hledger-web -package:netwire package:attoparsec-time

No suffix implies the "seconds" unit:
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10"
Right 10s
Various units (seconds, minutes, hours, days):
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10s"
Right 10s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10m"
Right 600s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10h"
Right 36000s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10d"
Right 864000s
Metric prefixes to seconds (down to Pico):
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10ms"
Right 0.01s
Notice that "μs" is not supported, because it's not ASCII.
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10us"
Right 0.00001s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10ns"
Right 0.00000001s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10ps"
Right 0.00000000001s
Negative values:
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "-1s"
Right -1s
Unsupported units:
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "1k"
Left "nominalDiffTime: Failed reading: Unsupported unit: \"k\""
No suffix implies the "seconds" unit:
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10"
Right 10s
Various units (seconds, minutes, hours, days):
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10s"
Right 10s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10m"
Right 600s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10h"
Right 36000s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10d"
Right 864000s
Metric prefixes to seconds (down to Pico):
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10ms"
Right 0.01s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10μs"
Right 0.00001s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10us"
Right 0.00001s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10ns"
Right 0.00000001s
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "10ps"
Right 0.00000000001s
Negative values:
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "-1s"
Right -1s
Unsupported units:
>>> parseOnly nominalDiffTime "1k"
Left "nominalDiffTime: Failed reading: Unsupported unit: \"k\""