Num -package:base-prelude -package:base-compat -is:exact package:rel8

Return the number of rows affected.
DBEnum contains the necessary metadata to describe a PostgreSQL enum type.
The class of database types that support the +, *, - operators, and the abs, negate, sign functions.
A deriving-via helper type for column types that store an "enum" type (in Haskell terms, a sum type where all constructors are nullary) using a Postgres enum type. Note that this should map to a specific type in your database's schema (explicitly created with CREATE TYPE ... AS ENUM). Use DBEnum to specify the name of this Postgres type and the names of the individual values. If left unspecified, the names of the values of the Postgres enum are assumed to match exactly exactly the names of the constructors of the Haskell type (up to and including case sensitivity).
Types that are sum types, where each constructor is unary (that is, has no fields).
The name of the PostgreSQL enum type that a maps to.
Map Haskell values to the corresponding element of the enum type. The default implementation of this method will use the exact name of the Haskell constructors.