Num -package:mixed-types-num -package:distribution-opensuse -package:dimensional is:module

The Num class and the Integer type.
Numeric instances for Convertible. Copyright (C) 2009-2011 John Goerzen All rights reserved. For license and copyright information, see the file LICENSE These instances perform conversion between numeric types such as Double, Int, Integer, Rational, and the like. Here are some notes about the conversion process: Conversions from floating-point types such as Double to integral types are done via the truncate function. This is a somewhat arbitrary decision; if you need different behavior, you will have to write your own instance or manually perform the conversion. All conversions perform bounds checking. If a value is too large for its destination type, you will get a ConvertError informing you of this. Note that this behavior differs from functions in the Haskell standard libraries, which will perform the conversion without error, but give you garbage in the end. Conversions do not perform precision checking; loss of precision is implied with certain conversions (for instance, Double to Float) and this is not an error.
Number instances for MSFs that produce numbers. This allows you to use numeric operators with MSFs that output numbers, for example, you can write:
msf1 :: MSF Input Double -- defined however you want
msf2 :: MSF Input Double -- defined however you want
msf3 :: MSF Input Double
msf3 = msf1 + msf2
instead of
msf3 = (msf1 &&& msf2) >>> arr (uncurry (+))
Instances are provided for the type classes Num, Fractional and Floating.
Odds and ends, mostly functions for reading and showing RealFloat-like kind of values.
Deprecated: This module will be removed in the next major release.
Provides numerical data types and functions.
A wrapper that provides instances of Haskell 98 and NumericPrelude numeric type classes for types that have NumericPrelude instances.
GtkNumericSorter is a GtkSorter that compares numbers. To obtain the numbers to compare, this sorter evaluates a Expression.
New users with are strongly encouraged to see if Data.Text.ICU.NumberFormatter fits their use case. Although not deprecated, this header is provided for backwards compatibility only.
Number formatter implemented as bindings to the International Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries.
A generalized version of the class hirarchy for numbers. All functions that would break a potential deep embedding are removed or generalized to support deep embeddings. The class hierarchy for numeric types keeps as close as possible to the Prelude hierarchy. A great part of the default implementation and comments are copied and adopted from Prelude.
Numeric classes.
Literal support for Integral and Fractional