Ord -package:numeric-prelude -package:linear-base package:swish

  • This module is deprecated and will be removed*
This module no-longer does anything since URI now has an Ord instance by default (prior to network this was not the case). This module used to provide an ordering for earlier versions of the network package, but with the split of URI out to the network-uri in version, the CPP needed to keep this going got annoying enough for me to just require a recent network package.
Convert a Haskell value to a typed literal (label), with the possibility of failure.
A type that can be converted to a RDF Label. The String instance converts to an untyped literal (so no language tag is assumed). The UTCTime and Day instances assume values are in UTC. The conversion for XSD types attempts to use the canonical form described in section 2.3.1 of http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xmlschema-2-20041028/#lexical-space. Note that this is similar to toRDFLabel; the code should probably be combined at some point.
Create a new RDF graph from a supplied set of arcs. This version will attempt to fill up the namespace map of the graph based on the input labels (including datatypes on literals). For faster creation of a graph you can use:
emptyRDFGraph { statements = arcs }
which is how this routine was defined in version and earlier.
Convert 3 RDF labels to a RDF triple. See also Swish.RDF.GraphClass.arcFromTriple.