Show -package:haskell-gi-base -package:base-prelude is:module -package:leancheck

Converting values to readable strings: the Show class and associated functions.
The Show class, and related operations.
Support for creating Show instances using the accessors.
Show and Read properties
Convert a physical value to a human readable string.
Generic implementation of Show


This is an internal module: it is not subject to any versioning policy, breaking changes can happen at any time. If something here seems useful, please report it or create a pull request to export it from an external module.
Show and Read properties
This module defines showing of (higher-order) signatures, which lifts to showing of (higher-order) terms and contexts. All definitions are generalised versions of those in Data.Comp.Show.
This module defines showing of signatures, which lifts to showing of terms and contexts.
A Show instance for functions, given the input is Finite and both the input and output are Show.
This module defines a simple JSON-based format for exporting basic information about a Cabal package and the compiler configuration Cabal would use to build it. This can be produced with the cabal build --enable-build-info command. This format is intended for consumption by external tooling and should therefore be rather stable. Moreover, this allows tooling users to avoid linking against Cabal. This is an important advantage as direct API usage tends to be rather fragile in the presence of user-initiated upgrades of Cabal. Below is an example of the output this module produces,
{ "cabal-lib-version": "",
"compiler": {
"flavour": GHC,
"compiler-id": "ghc-7.10.2",
"path": "usrbin/ghc",
"components": [
{ "type": "lib",
"name": "lib:Cabal",
["-O", "-XHaskell98", "-Wall",
"-package-id", "parallel-"]
"modules": [Project.ModA, Project.ModB, Paths_project],
"src-files": [],
"src-dirs": ["src"]
The output format needs to be validated against 'docjson-schemasbuild-info.schema.json'. If the format changes, update the schema as well! The cabal-lib-version property provides the version of the Cabal library which generated the output. The compiler property gives some basic information about the compiler Cabal would use to compile the package. The components property gives a list of the Cabal Components defined by the package. Each has,
  • type: the type of the component (one of lib, exe, test, bench, or flib)
  • name: a string serving to uniquely identify the component within the package.
  • compiler-args: the command-line arguments Cabal would pass to the compiler to compile the component
  • modules: the modules belonging to the component
  • src-dirs: a list of directories where the modules might be found
  • src-files: any other Haskell sources needed by the component
Note: At the moment this is only supported when using the GHC compiler.
XML tree conversion to external string representation
Defines the class ShowSing which is useful for defining Show instances for singleton types. Because ShowSing crucially relies on QuantifiedConstraints, it is only defined if this library is built with GHC 8.6 or later.