:: String -> [String] -package:highlighting-kate -package:basement -package:ghc-lib-parser package:rio

lines breaks a string up into a list of strings at newline characters. The resulting strings do not contain newlines. Note that after splitting the string at newline characters, the last part of the string is considered a line even if it doesn't end with a newline. For example,
>>> lines ""
>>> lines "\n"
>>> lines "one"
>>> lines "one\n"
>>> lines "one\n\n"
>>> lines "one\ntwo"
>>> lines "one\ntwo\n"
Thus lines s contains at least as many elements as newlines in s.
linesCR breaks a String up into a list of Strings at newline Chars. It is very similar to lines, but it also removes any trailing 'r' Chars. The resulting String values do not contain newlines or trailing 'r' characters.
words breaks a string up into a list of words, which were delimited by white space.
>>> words "Lorem ipsum\ndolor"