:: String -> Int -package:hledger-lib -package:speculate -package:safe -package:express -package:ViennaRNAParser -package:ghc -package:hledger is:exact -package:simple-cmd

convert a string of hexadecimal digits into an Int
convert a string of digits into an Int
Returns the display width of a string. Assumes all characters with unknown widths are 0 width.
Given a number encoded in Locator16, convert it back to an integer.
Get the hash of a string. This util is currently used to generate an Int used for the internal pattern variable representation from the external pattern variable representation (String)
Raises an error with a printf-specific prefix on the message string.
Like the function error, but appends a stack trace to the error message if one is available.
Raises a SizeOverflowException, with a message using the given function name.
The error used in fixpointToFinal, runFixpoint and runFixpointM when the result of a failed computation is recursively used and somehow visible. You may use this for your own Fixpoint interpreters. The argument should be the name of the interpreter.
raise a fatal internal error; message may have multiple lines
stop execution and displays an error message