:: String -> Int is:exact -package:gpolyline -package:numeric-prelude -package:ghc-boot -package:ghc-lib-parser -package:Agda -package:Cabal -package:base -package:vty -package:safe -package:hegg

convert a string of hexadecimal digits into an Int
convert a string of digits into an Int
Alias for realLength.
Like strWidth, but also strips ANSI escape sequences before calculating the width. This is no longer used in code, as widths are calculated before adding ANSI escape sequences, but is being kept around for now.
Returns the precedence of default Haskell operators
Given a number encoded in Locator16, convert it back to an integer.
Raises a SizeOverflowException, with a message using the given function name.
Panics and asserts.
Panics and asserts.
Panics and asserts.
The error used in fixpointToFinal, runFixpoint and runFixpointM when the result of a failed computation is recursively used and somehow visible. You may use this for your own Fixpoint interpreters. The argument should be the name of the interpreter.
Alias for errorWithoutStackTrace (for base >= 4.9)
raise a fatal internal error; message may have multiple lines
stop execution and displays an error message
Same as error but will make HDL generation fail if included in the final circuit. This is useful for the error case of static assertions. Note that the error message needs to be a literal, and during HDL generation the error message does not include a stack trace, so it had better be descriptive.
Like error, but throwing an XException instead of an ErrorCall The ShowX methods print these error-values as undefined; instead of error'ing out with an exception.