Process module:System -package:unix -package:typed-process -is:exact -package:cryptonite -package:clock -package:Win32 -package:cmdargs -package:io-streams

Operations for creating and interacting with sub-processes.
Use OS processes just like native Haskell functions - to generate, transform or consume streams. See Streamly.System.Command module for a higher level wrapper over this module. See also: Streamly.Internal.System.Process for unreleased functions.
A handle to a process, which can be used to wait for termination of the process using waitForProcess. None of the process-creation functions in this library wait for termination: they all return a ProcessHandle which may be used to wait for the process later. On Windows a second wait method can be used to block for event completion. This requires two handles. A process job handle and a events handle to monitor.
This will always come first, before any output or exit code.
CPU options impacting cryptography implementation and library performance.
An exception that is raised when a process fails.
The exit code of the process.
Options which have been enabled at compile time and are supported by the current CPU.
Deprecated: Please use pipeBytes instead.
Deprecated: Please use pipeChunks instead.
Logical Processor Index