bimap -package:diagrams-lib -package:base-prelude -package:linear-base

Map over both arguments at the same time.
bimap f g ≡ first f . second g


>>> bimap toUpper (+1) ('j', 3)
>>> bimap toUpper (+1) (Left 'j')
Left 'J'
>>> bimap toUpper (+1) (Right 3)
Right 4
Bidirectional mapping between two key types A data structure representing a bidirectional mapping between two key types. Each value in the bimap is associated with exactly one value of the opposite type.
Transform a graph by applying given functions to the vertices of each part. Complexity: O((n + m) * log(n)) time.
bimap f g empty           == empty
bimap f g . vertex        == vertex . Data.Bifunctor.bimap f g
bimap f g (edge x y)      == edge (f x) (g y)
bimap id id               == id
bimap f1 g1 . bimap f2 g2 == bimap (f1 . f2) (g1 . g2)
Map over both sides of a symbolic Either at the same time
>>> let f = uninterpret "f" :: SInteger -> SInteger

>>> let g = uninterpret "g" :: SInteger -> SInteger

>>> prove $ \x -> fromLeft (bimap f g (sLeft x)) .== f x

>>> prove $ \x -> fromRight (bimap f g (sRight x)) .== g x
Map over the both types of entries of an AltList.
bimap f g ≡ second g . first f
An implementation of bidirectional maps between values of two key types. A Bimap is essentially a bijection between subsets of its two argument types. Each element of the left-hand type is associated with an element of the right-hand type, and vice-versa, such that the two mappings are inverses. Deleting an element will cause its twin to be deleted, and inserting a pair of elements will cause any overlapping bindings to be deleted. Most functions implicitly consider the left-hand type to be the key, and the right-hand type to be the value. Functions with an R suffix reverse this convention, treating the right-hand type as the key and the left-hand type as the value.
A bidirectional map between values of types a and b.
Bidirectional map. Essentially, a bijection between subsets of its two argument types. For one value of the left-hand type this map contains one value of the right-hand type and vice versa.
Type-level bimap.
>>> :kind! Eval (Bimap ((+) 1) (Flip (-) 1) '(2, 4))
Eval (Bimap ((+) 1) (Flip (-) 1) '(2, 4)) :: (Nat, Nat)
= '(3, 3)
Partly invertible finite maps. Time complexities are given under the assumption that all relevant instance functions, as well as arguments of function type, take constant time, and "n" is the number of keys involved in the operation.
Finite maps from k to v, with a way to quickly get from v to k for certain values of type v (those for which tag is defined). Every value of this type must satisfy biMapInvariant.
Bijection between finite sets. Both data types are strict here.
Alias for bitraverse_.
The bimapAccumL function behaves like a combination of bimap and bifoldl; it traverses a structure from left to right, threading a state of type a and using the given actions to compute new elements for the structure.


Basic usage:
>>> bimapAccumL (\acc bool -> (acc + 1, show bool)) (\acc string -> (acc * 2, reverse string)) 3 (True, "foo")
The bimapAccumR function behaves like a combination of bimap and bifoldr; it traverses a structure from right to left, threading a state of type a and using the given actions to compute new elements for the structure.


Basic usage:
>>> bimapAccumR (\acc bool -> (acc + 1, show bool)) (\acc string -> (acc * 2, reverse string)) 3 (True, "foo")
A default definition of bimap in terms of the Bitraversable operations.
bimapDefault f g ≡
runIdentity . bitraverse (Identity . f) (Identity . g)