drop -package:text -package:base

O(1) drop n xs returns the suffix of xs after the first n elements, or empty if n > length xs.
O(n/c) drop n xs returns the suffix of xs after the first n elements, or empty if n > length xs.
O(n) drop n xs returns the suffix of xs after the first n elements, or empty if n > length xs. Note: copies the entire byte array
Drop a given number of entries in key order, beginning with the smallest keys.
drop n = fromDistinctAscList . drop n . toAscList
Elements of a sequence after the first i. If i is negative, drop i s yields the whole sequence. If the sequence contains fewer than i elements, the empty sequence is returned.
Drop a given number of elements in order, beginning with the smallest ones.
drop n = fromDistinctAscList . drop n . toAscList
O(n) drop n xs returns the suffix of xs after the first n elements, or [] if n > length xs. Note: copies the entire byte array
O(1) Yield all but the first n elements without copying. The vector may contain less than n elements, in which case an empty vector is returned.
All but the first n elements
All but the first n elements
O(1) Yield all but the first n elements without copying. The vector may contain less than n elements, in which case an empty vector is returned.
Drop the n first element of the mutable vector without making a copy. For negative n, the vector is returned unchanged. If n is larger than the vector's length, the empty vector is returned.
Drop the n first element of the mutable vector without making a copy. For negative n, the vector is returned unchanged. If n is larger than the vector's length, the empty vector is returned.
O(1) Yield all but the first n elements without copying. The vector may contain less than n elements, in which case an empty vector is returned.
Drop the n first element of the mutable vector without making a copy. For negative n, the vector is returned unchanged. If n is larger than the vector's length, the empty vector is returned.
O(1) Yield all but the first n elements without copying. The vector may contain less than n elements, in which case an empty vector is returned.
Drop the n first element of the mutable vector without making a copy. For negative n, the vector is returned unchanged. If n is larger than the vector's length, the empty vector is returned.
O(1) Yield all but the first n elements without copying. The vector may contain less than n elements, in which case an empty vector is returned.
Drop the n first element of the mutable vector without making a copy. For negative n, the vector is returned unchanged. If n is larger than the vector's length, the empty vector is returned.
Ignore a certain number of values in the stream. Note: since this function doesn't produce anything, you probably want to use it with (>>) instead of directly plugging it into a pipeline:
>>> runConduit $ yieldMany [1..5] .| drop 2 .| sinkList

>>> runConduit $ yieldMany [1..5] .| (drop 2 >> sinkList)
Ignore a certain number of values in the stream. This function is semantically equivalent to:
drop i = take i >> return ()
However, drop is more efficient as it does not need to hold values in memory. Subject to fusion Since 0.3.0
drop n s returns the s without its first n characters. If s has less than n characters, then we return an empty string.
drop n s returns the s without its first n characters. If s has less than n characters, then we return an empty string.
drop n s returns the s without its first n characters. If s has less than n characters, then we return an empty string.