filter -package:Cabal -package:text -package:base -package:vector -package:regex-tdfa -is:exact package:ghc

filter, applied to a predicate and a list, returns the list of those elements that satisfy the predicate; i.e.,
filter p xs = [ x | x <- xs, p x]
>>> filter odd [1, 2, 3]
Replaces constraint tuple names with corresponding boxed ones.
Filter the CFG with a custom function f. Parameters are `f from to edgeInfo`
Filter all elements that might match a particular key with the given predicate.
Given a TyCon and a list of argument types, filter out any Inferred arguments.
Given a TyCon and a list of argument types, filter out any invisible (i.e., Inferred or Specified) arguments.
Go through all class declarations and filter their sub-declarations
Filter out declarations that we don't handle in Haddock