filter -package:base -is:exact -package:conduit -package:unordered-containers -package:pipes -package:base-compat package:ghc

Filter all values that satisfy some predicate.
filter (> "a") (fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")]) == singleton 3 "b"
filter (> "x") (fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")]) == empty
filter (< "a") (fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")]) == empty
Filter all elements that satisfy some predicate.
Replaces constraint tuple names with corresponding boxed ones.
Filter the CFG with a custom function f. Parameters are `f from to edgeInfo`
Filter all elements that might match a particular key with the given predicate.
Given a TyCon and a list of argument types, filter out any Inferred arguments.
Given a TyCon and a list of argument types, filter out any invisible (i.e., Inferred or Specified) arguments.
Filter the entries whose keys are missing from the other map using some Applicative action.
filterAMissing f = Merge.Lazy.traverseMaybeMissing $
\k x -> (\b -> guard b *> Just x) <$> f k x
but this should be a little faster.
Filter the entries whose keys are missing from the other map.
filterMissing :: (k -> x -> Bool) -> SimpleWhenMissing x x
filterMissing f = Merge.Lazy.mapMaybeMissing $ \k x -> guard (f k x) *> Just x
but this should be a little faster.
Filter all keys/values that satisfy some predicate.
filterWithKey (\k _ -> k > 4) (fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")]) == singleton 5 "a"