filter -package:base -package:hedgehog -package:unordered-containers -package:vector -package:containers -package:rio

O(n) filter, applied to a predicate and a ByteString, returns a ByteString containing those characters that satisfy the predicate.
O(n) filter, applied to a predicate and a ByteString, returns a ByteString containing those characters that satisfy the predicate.
O(n) filter, applied to a predicate and a ShortByteString, returns a ShortByteString containing those characters that satisfy the predicate.
O(n) filter, applied to a predicate and a Text, returns a Text containing those characters that satisfy the predicate.
O(n) filter, applied to a predicate and a stream, returns a stream containing those characters that satisfy the predicate. Properties
unstream . filter p . stream = filter p
O(n) filter, applied to a predicate and a ByteString, returns a ByteString containing those characters that satisfy the predicate.
O(n) filter, applied to a predicate and a ByteString, returns a ByteString containing those characters that satisfy the predicate.
Filter all keys/values that satisfy some predicate.
Keep only values in the stream passing a given predicate. Subject to fusion
Keep only values in the stream passing a given predicate. Subject to fusion Since 0.3.0
filter, applied to a predicate and a list, returns the list of those elements that satisfy the predicate; i.e.,
filter p xs = [ x | x <- xs, p x]
>>> filter odd [1, 2, 3]
(filter predicate) only forwards values that satisfy the predicate.
filter (pure True) = cat

filter (liftA2 (&&) p1 p2) = filter p1 >-> filter p2

filter f = mapMaybe (\a -> a <$ guard (f a))
filter p xs removes any elements from xs that do not satisfy p.
Drops chunks from an input stream if they fail to match a given filter predicate. See filter. Items pushed back to the returned stream are propagated back upstream. Example:
ghci> Streams.fromList ["the", "quick", "brown", "fox"] >>=
Streams.filter (/= "brown") >>= Streams.toList
Skip elements of a stream that fail a predicate
filter given a predicate returns a sequence of all elements that satisfy the predicate.
> filter (< 5) [1 .. 10]
Keep all values that satisfy the given predicate
>>> filter even (fromList [("C",3),("B",2),("A",1)])
fromList [("B",2)]

>>> filter odd (fromList [("C",3),("B",2),("A",1)])
fromList [("C",3),("A",1)]
Only allows Word8s to pass if they satisfy the predicate
Remove characters from ShortText which don't satisfy given predicate.
>>> filter (`notElem` ['a','e','i','o','u']) "You don't need vowels to convey information!"
"Y dn't nd vwls t cnvy nfrmtn!"
filter (const False) t == ""
filter (const True) t == t
length (filter p t) <= length t
filter p t == pack [ c | c <- unpack t, p c ]
O(n). Filter all association pairs that satisfy the predicate. Note that the predicate will be applied twice for each association in the bimap. Version: 0.2.4