fromMaybe -package:xlsx-tabular -package:rattletrap -package:histogram-fill package:from-sum

The fromMaybe function takes a default value and and Maybe value. If the Maybe is Nothing, it returns the default values; otherwise, it returns the value contained in the Maybe.


Basic usage:
>>> fromMaybe "" (Just "Hello, World!")
"Hello, World!"
>>> fromMaybe "" Nothing
Read an integer from a string using readMaybe. If we fail to parse an integer, we want to return 0 by default:
>>> import Text.Read ( readMaybe )

>>> fromMaybe 0 (readMaybe "5")

>>> fromMaybe 0 (readMaybe "")
Lift a Maybe to an ExceptT with a default value for the case when the Maybe is Nothing. If the Maybe is Just, then just return the value like normal:
>>> let justVal = Just True :: Maybe Bool

>>> fromMaybeExceptT 5 justVal :: ExceptT Int Identity Bool
ExceptT (Identity (Right True))
If the Maybe is Nothing, then use the default value as the error value:
>>> let nothingVal = Nothing :: Maybe Bool

>>> fromMaybeExceptT 5 nothingVal :: ExceptT Int Identity Bool
ExceptT (Identity (Left 5))
A monadic version of fromMaybe.
fromMaybeM nothingAction === maybe nothingAction pure
>>> fromMaybeM [] $ Just 5

>>> fromMaybeM [] Nothing
Similar to fromMaybeExceptT except the Maybe value is lifted in a Monad.
>>> let identityNothing = Identity Nothing :: Identity (Maybe Bool)

>>> fromMaybeMExceptT 5 identityNothing :: ExceptT Int Identity Bool
ExceptT (Identity (Left 5))
Similar to fromMaybeM but the Maybe argument is also a monadic value.
>>> fromMaybeMM [] [Just 6, Just 5]

>>> fromMaybeMM [] [Just 6, Nothing, Just 7]
NOTE: I don't particularly like the name of this function. If you have a suggestion for a better name, please submit a PR or issue.
Similar to fromMaybeM, but only run the monadic nothingAction if the Maybe argument is Nothing. Otherwise, return pure mempty.
fromMaybeM_ nothingAction === maybe nothingAction (const $ pure mempty)
>>> fromMaybeM_ (putStrLn "hello" >> pure "bye") $ Just 5

>>> fromMaybeM_ (putStrLn "hello" >> pure "bye") Nothing
This can be convenient when you want to run some sort of logging function whenever a Maybe is Nothing. If you imagine the logging function is IO '()', then the effective type of fromMaybeM_ becomes fromMaybeM_ :: IO '()' -> Maybe a -> IO '()', because '()' has a Monoid instance, and IO, has an Applicative instance.
>>> fromMaybeM_ (putStrLn "hello") Nothing
A fliped version of fromMaybe.
Just like fromMaybeExceptT but with the arguments flipped.
A fliped version of fromMaybeM.
>>> fromMaybeOrM (Just 5) []
This can be nice to use as an error handler.
>>> fromMaybeOrM (Just 5) $ putStrLn "some error occurred" >> undefined

>>> fromMaybeOrM (Nothing) $ putStrLn "some error occurred" >> undefined
some error occurred
Just like fromMaybeMExceptT but with the arguments flipped.
A fliped version of fromMaybeMM.
A fliped version of fromMaybeM.