
Extract the first component of a pair.
Extract the first component of a strict pair.
Extract the first component of a pair.
Extract the fst component of a pair.
Not on Stackage, so not searched. Finite state transducers
Project the first component of a type-level tuple.
Returns first element of tuple type (with kind *) or type-level tuple (with kind (k1, k2), marked by prefix quote).
>>> :kind! Maybe (Fst '(Int, Text))
Maybe (Fst '(Int, Text)) :: *
= Maybe Int
>>> :kind! Maybe (Fst (Int, Text))
Maybe (Fst (Int, Text)) :: *
= Maybe Int
>>> :kind! Fst '(Bool, Char)
Fst '(Bool, Char) :: *
= Bool
Create a new simple unit identifier from a FastString. Internally, this is primarily used to specify wired-in unit identifiers.
Extract the fst of a triple.
Take the first item out of a 3 element tuple
Project the first element out of a dependent pair.
Differentiable version of fst