guard -package:distribution-opensuse -package:stack package:base-compat

Conditional failure of Alternative computations. Defined by
guard True  = pure ()
guard False = empty


Common uses of guard include conditionally signaling an error in an error monad and conditionally rejecting the current choice in an Alternative-based parser. As an example of signaling an error in the error monad Maybe, consider a safe division function safeDiv x y that returns Nothing when the denominator y is zero and Just (x `div` y) otherwise. For example:
>>> safeDiv 4 0
>>> safeDiv 4 2
Just 2
A definition of safeDiv using guards, but not guard:
safeDiv :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
safeDiv x y | y /= 0    = Just (x `div` y)
| otherwise = Nothing
A definition of safeDiv using guard and Monad do-notation:
safeDiv :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
safeDiv x y = do
guard (y /= 0)
return (x `div` y)