id -package:invertible -package:rio -package:lsp-types package:xmonad-contrib is:module

GridSelect displays items(e.g. the opened windows) in a 2D grid and lets the user select from it with the cursor/hjkl keys or the mouse.
Find a maximum empty rectangle around floating windows and use that area to display non-floating windows.
A three column layout with main column in the center and two stack columns surrounding it. There will be always a pane in the center column and unoccupied spaces on the sides are reserved. It's best suited for ultrawide montiors, where a single stretched window might be annoying.
This module contains data types and utilities to deal with decoration widgets. A widget is anything that is displayed on window decoration, and, optionally, can react on clicks. Examples of widgets are usual window buttons (minimize, maximize, close), window icon and window title.
A simple layout that attempts to put all windows in a square grid.
Two layouts: one is a variant of the Grid layout that allows the desired aspect ratio of windows to be specified. The other is like Tall but places a grid with fixed number of rows and columns in the master area and uses an aspect-ratio-specified layout for the slaves.
Similar to XMonad.Layout.Minimize but completely removes windows from the window set so XMonad.Layout.BoringWindows isn't necessary. Perfect companion to XMonad.Layout.BinarySpacePartition since it can be used to move windows to another part of the BSP tree.
A not so simple layout that attempts to put all windows in a square grid while obeying their size hints.
MultiDishes is a layout that stacks groups of extra windows underneath the master windows.
This module allows for having a configurable border position around windows; i.e., it can move the border to any cardinal direction.
Modifies a layout to set borders to 0 for all windows in the workspace. Unlike XMonad.Layout.NoBorders, the voidBorders modifier will not restore the window border if the windows are moved to a different workspace or the layout is changed. There is, however, a companion normalBorders modifier which explicitly restores the border. This modifier's primary use is to eliminate the "border flash" you get while switching workspaces with the XMonad.Layout.NoBorders modifier.