id -package:relude -package:med-module -is:exact package:free-categories

the identity morphism
A monoidal category structure on the category of quivers. This consists of a product bifunctor, a unit object and structure morphisms, an invertible associator,
qassoc . qdisassoc = id
qdisassoc . qassoc = id
and invertible left and right unitors,
qintro1 . qelim1 = id
qelim1 . qintro1 = id
qintro2 . qelim2 = id
qelim2 . qintro2 = id
that satisfy the pentagon equation,
qbimap id qassoc . qassoc . qbimap qassoc id = qassoc . qassoc
and the triangle equation,
qbimap id qelim1 . qassoc = qbimap qelim2 id
Map each element of the structure to a Monoid, and combine the results.