id -package:relude -package:med-module -package:ghc package:xmonad-contrib

Identity function.
id x = x
The identity FadeHook, which renders windows opaque.
Deprecated: Use hiddenWS :&: emptyWS instead.
Deprecated: Use hiddenWS :&: Not emptyWS instead.
Deprecated: Use hiddenWS instead.
Cycle through non-visible workspaces
Add a new hidden workspace with the given name, or do nothing if a workspace with the given name already exists.
Add a new hidden workspace with the given name, or do nothing if a workspace with the given name already exists. Takes a function to insert the workspace at an arbitrary spot in the list.
GridSelect displays items(e.g. the opened windows) in a 2D grid and lets the user select from it with the cursor/hjkl keys or the mouse.
Brings up a 2D grid of elements in the center of the screen, and one can select an element with cursors keys. The selected element is returned.
Like gridSelect but with the current windows and their titles as elements
Select a workspace and view it using the given function (normally view or greedyView) Another option is to shift the current window to the selected workspace:
gridselectWorkspace (\ws -> W.greedyView ws . W.shift ws)
Select a workspace and run an arbitrary action on it.
Deprecated: Use hybridOf with lineNavigation and centerNavigation as arguments.
Hybrid of two modes of navigation, preferring the motions of the first. Use this if you want to fall back on a second strategy whenever the first does not find a candidate window. E.g. hybridOf lineNavigation centerNavigation is a good strategy for the floating layer, and hybridOf sideNavigation centerNavigation will enable you to take advantage of some of the latter strategy's more interesting motions in the tiled layer.
Side navigation. Consider navigating to the right this time. The strategy is to take the line segment forming the right boundary of the current window, and push it to the right until it intersects with at least one other window. Of those windows, one with a point that is the closest to the centre of the line (+1) is selected. This is probably the most intuitive strategy for the tiled layer when using XMonad.Layout.Spacing.
Side navigation with bias. Consider a case where the screen is divided up into three vertical panes; the side panes occupied by one window each and the central pane split across the middle by two windows. By the criteria of side navigation, the two central windows are equally good choices when navigating inwards from one of the side panes. Hence in order to be equitable, symmetric and pleasant to use, different windows are chosen when navigating from different sides. In particular, the lower is chosen when going left and the higher when going right, causing L, L, R, R, L, L, etc to cycle through the four windows clockwise. This is implemented by using a bias of 1. Bias is how many pixels off centre the vertical split can be before this behaviour is lost and the same window chosen every time. A negative bias swaps the preferred window for each direction. A bias of zero disables the behaviour.
Compare screen only by their Xinerama id
Wrap swapHybridStack; see also swapApply.
Like swapHybrid' but discard the result.
If the focused window is the master window, use swapInStack. Otherwise use swapPromoteStack. See swapPromoteStack for more details regarding the parameters.