id -package:universum -package:med-module -package:free-categories package:rio

Identity function.
id x = x
Identity functor and monad. (a non-strict monad)
A ThreadId is an abstract type representing a handle to a thread. ThreadId is an instance of Eq, Ord and Show, where the Ord instance implements an arbitrary total ordering over ThreadIds. The Show instance lets you convert an arbitrary-valued ThreadId to string form; showing a ThreadId value is occasionally useful when debugging or diagnosing the behaviour of a concurrent program. Note: in GHC, if you have a ThreadId, you essentially have a pointer to the thread itself. This means the thread itself can't be garbage collected until you drop the ThreadId. This misfeature will hopefully be corrected at a later date.
Lifted version of myThreadId.
Warning: Trace statement left in code
Warning: Trace statement left in code
Warning: Trace statement left in code
Is a FilePath valid, i.e. could you create a file like it? This function checks for invalid names, and invalid characters, but does not check if length limits are exceeded, as these are typically filesystem dependent.
isValid "" == False
isValid "\0" == False
Posix:   isValid "/random_ path:*" == True
Posix:   isValid x == not (null x)
Windows: isValid "c:\\test" == True
Windows: isValid "c:\\test:of_test" == False
Windows: isValid "test*" == False
Windows: isValid "c:\\test\\nul" == False
Windows: isValid "c:\\test\\prn.txt" == False
Windows: isValid "c:\\nul\\file" == False
Windows: isValid "\\\\" == False
Windows: isValid "\\\\\\foo" == False
Windows: isValid "\\\\?\\D:file" == False
Windows: isValid "foo\tbar" == False
Windows: isValid "nul .txt" == False
Windows: isValid " nul.txt" == True
Take a FilePath and make it valid; does not change already valid FilePaths.
isValid (makeValid x)
isValid x ==> makeValid x == x
makeValid "" == "_"
makeValid "file\0name" == "file_name"
Windows: makeValid "c:\\already\\/valid" == "c:\\already\\/valid"
Windows: makeValid "c:\\test:of_test" == "c:\\test_of_test"
Windows: makeValid "test*" == "test_"
Windows: makeValid "c:\\test\\nul" == "c:\\test\\nul_"
Windows: makeValid "c:\\test\\prn.txt" == "c:\\test\\prn_.txt"
Windows: makeValid "c:\\test/prn.txt" == "c:\\test/prn_.txt"
Windows: makeValid "c:\\nul\\file" == "c:\\nul_\\file"
Windows: makeValid "\\\\\\foo" == "\\\\drive"
Windows: makeValid "\\\\?\\D:file" == "\\\\?\\D:\\file"
Windows: makeValid "nul .txt" == "nul _.txt"
O(n). Test if the internal map structure is valid.
valid (fromAscList [(3,"b"), (5,"a")]) == True
valid (fromAscList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")]) == False
void value discards or ignores the result of evaluation, such as the return value of an IO action. Using ApplicativeDo: 'void as' can be understood as the do expression
do as
pure ()
with an inferred Functor constraint.


Replace the contents of a Maybe Int with unit:
>>> void Nothing

>>> void (Just 3)
Just ()
Replace the contents of an Either Int Int with unit, resulting in an Either Int ():
>>> void (Left 8675309)
Left 8675309

>>> void (Right 8675309)
Right ()
Replace every element of a list with unit:
>>> void [1,2,3]
Replace the second element of a pair with unit:
>>> void (1,2)
Discard the result of an IO action:
>>> mapM print [1,2]

>>> void $ mapM print [1,2]
The class of monoids (types with an associative binary operation that has an identity). Instances should satisfy the following: The method names refer to the monoid of lists under concatenation, but there are many other instances. Some types can be viewed as a monoid in more than one way, e.g. both addition and multiplication on numbers. In such cases we often define newtypes and make those instances of Monoid, e.g. Sum and Product. NOTE: Semigroup is a superclass of Monoid since base-
Uninhabited data type
O(n). Test if the internal set structure is valid.
Convert from proleptic Gregorian calendar. First argument is year, second month number (1-12), third day (1-31). Invalid values will return Nothing
Hour twelve
Hour zero