
Extract the last element of a list, which must be finite and non-empty.
>>> last [1, 2, 3]

>>> last [1..]
* Hangs forever *

>>> last []
*** Exception: Prelude.last: empty list
WARNING: This function is partial. You can use reverse with case-matching, uncons or listToMaybe instead.
The last element of a non-empty structure.
>>> last (1 :| [2, 3, 4])
Extract the last element of the stream.
O(1) Extract the last element of a ByteString, which must be finite and non-empty. An exception will be thrown in the case of an empty ByteString. This is a partial function, consider using unsnoc instead.
O(1) Extract the last element of a packed string, which must be non-empty.
O(n/c) Extract the last element of a ByteString, which must be finite and non-empty. This is a partial function, consider using unsnoc instead.
O(1) Extract the last element of a ShortByteString, which must be finite and non-empty. An exception will be thrown in the case of an empty ShortByteString. This is a partial function, consider using unsnoc instead.
O(1) Returns the last character of a Text, which must be non-empty. This is a partial function, consider using unsnoc instead.
O(n) Returns the last character of a Stream Char, which must be non-empty. Properties
last . stream = last
O(n/c) Returns the last character of a Text, which must be non-empty. This is a partial function, consider using unsnoc instead.
O(1) Extract the last element of a ShortByteString, which must be finite and at least one Word16. An exception will be thrown in the case of an empty ShortByteString.
O(1) Last element.
Last element of the Bundle or error if empty
Last element of the Bundle or error if empty
O(1) Last element.
O(1) Last element.
O(1) Last element.
O(1) Last element.
Retrieve the last value in the stream, if present. Subject to fusion
Extract the last element of a list, which must be finite and non-empty.
>>> last [1, 2, 3]

>>> last [1..]
* Hangs forever *

>>> last []
*** Exception: Prelude.last: empty list
Retrieve the last element from a Producer
Get the last element of a container or return Nothing if the container is empty
Get the last byte of a byte stream or return Nothing if the byte stream is empty
Get the last element of a non-empty container
Get the last character of a text stream or return Nothing if the text stream is empty