length -package:vector -package:conduit -package:containers -package:text -package:rio

Returns the size/length of a finite structure as an Int. The default implementation just counts elements starting with the leftmost. Instances for structures that can compute the element count faster than via element-by-element counting, should provide a specialised implementation.


Basic usage:
>>> length []
>>> length ['a', 'b', 'c']

>>> length [1..]
* Hangs forever *
Number of elements in NonEmpty list.
length returns the length of a finite list as an Int. It is an instance of the more general genericLength, the result type of which may be any kind of number.
>>> length []

>>> length ['a', 'b', 'c']

>>> length [1..]
* Hangs forever *
O(1) length returns the length of a ByteString as an Int.
O(c) length returns the length of a ByteString as an Int64
O(1) The length of a ShortByteString.
Counts the number of characters encoded in the bytestring. Note that this includes replacement characters.
Counts the number of characters encoded in the bytestring. Note that this includes replacement characters.
Counts the number of characters encoded in the bytestring. Note that this includes replacement characters. The function is linear in the number of bytes in the representation.
Return the length in bytes of a bytearray
Count the number of elements in a Producer
Return the length of the container
Return the length of the byte stream in bytes
Return the length of the text stream in characters
Run a stream, keeping its length and its return value.
>>> S.print $ mapped S.length $ chunksOf 3 $ S.each [1..10]
Synonym for olength
Returns the size/length of a finite structure as an Int. The default implementation is optimized for structures that are similar to cons-lists, because there is no general way to do better.
Count the number of bytes
Count the number of Unicode code-points in a ShortText.
>>> length "abcd€"
>>> length ""
length t >= 0
Length of the list. See also genericLength.
O(n/c) length returns the length of a byte stream as an Int together with the return value. This makes various maps possible.
>>> Q.length "one\ntwo\three\nfour\nfive\n"
23 :> ()

>>> S.print $ S.take 3 $ mapped Q.length $ Q.lines "one\ntwo\three\nfour\nfive\n"
Some common quantity classes.