ord -package:brittany -package:hledger -package:checkers package:sbv

The ord of a character.
Symbolic Comparisons. Similar to Eq, we cannot implement Haskell's Ord class since there is no way to return an Ordering value from a symbolic comparison. Furthermore, OrdSymbolic requires Mergeable to implement if-then-else, for the benefit of implementing symbolic versions of max and min functions.
A symbolic unsigned bit-vector carrying its size info
16-bit unsigned symbolic value
32-bit unsigned symbolic value
64-bit unsigned symbolic value
8-bit unsigned symbolic value
An unsigned bit-vector carrying its size info
Check if a relation is a linear order. The string argument must uniquely identify this order.
Check if a relation is a partial order. The string argument must uniquely identify this order.
Check if a relation is a piece-wise linear order. The string argument must uniquely identify this order.
Check if a relation is a tree order. The string argument must uniquely identify this order.
Convert an SDouble to an SWord64, preserving the bit-correspondence. Note that since the representation for NaNs are not unique, this function will return a symbolic value when given a concrete NaN. See the implementation note for sFloatAsSWord32, as it applies here as well.
Convert an SFloat to an SWord32, preserving the bit-correspondence. Note that since the representation for NaNs are not unique, this function will return a symbolic value when given a concrete NaN. Implementation note: Since there's no corresponding function in SMTLib for conversion to bit-representation due to partiality, we use a translation trick by allocating a new word variable, converting it to float, and requiring it to be equivalent to the input. In code-generation mode, we simply map it to a simple conversion.
Convert a float to the word containing the corresponding bit pattern
Declare a named SWord NB. For a version which generalizes over the underlying monad, see sWord
Declare a named SWord16 NB. For a version which generalizes over the underlying monad, see sWord16
Declare an unnamed SWord16 NB. For a version which generalizes over the underlying monad, see sWord16_
Declare a list of SWord16s NB. For a version which generalizes over the underlying monad, see sWord16s
Declare a named SWord32 NB. For a version which generalizes over the underlying monad, see sWord32
Reinterpret the bits in a 32-bit word as a single-precision floating point number
Declare an unnamed SWord32 NB. For a version which generalizes over the underlying monad, see sWord32_
Declare a list of SWord32s NB. For a version which generalizes over the underlying monad, see sWord32s
Declare a named SWord64 NB. For a version which generalizes over the underlying monad, see sWord64
Reinterpret the bits in a 32-bit word as a single-precision floating point number