ord -package:foundation -package:rebase -package:ghc-lib-parser package:text

O(n) Joins words using single space characters.
O(n) Breaks a Text up into a list of words, delimited by Chars representing white space.
O(1) Return the suffix of the Text, with n Word8 units dropped from its beginning. If n would cause the Text to begin inside a code point, the beginning of the suffix will be advanced by several additional Word8 unit to maintain its validity.
O(1) Return the length of a Text in units of Word8. This is useful for sizing a target array appropriately before using unsafeCopyToPtr.
O(1) Return the prefix of the Text of n Word8 units in length. If n would cause the Text to end inside a code point, the end of the prefix will be advanced by several additional Word8 units to maintain its validity.
Unsafe: This may not be valid UTF-8 text.
O(1) Unchecked drop of k Word8s from the front of a Text.
O(1) Unchecked take of k Word8s from the front of a Text.