read -package:vector -package:base package:HsOpenSSL

Try to read the given number of bytes from an SSL connection. On EOF an empty ByteString is returned. If the connection dies without a graceful SSL shutdown, an exception is raised. NOTE: The returned bytestring could be shorter than the size requested, see:
readCRL pem reads a Certificate Revocation List in PEM string.
readDHParams pem reads DH parameters in PEM string.
readPkcs7 pem reads a PKCS#7 structure in PEM string.
readPrivateKey pem supply reads a private key in PEM string.
readPublicKey pem reads a public key in PEM string.
readX509 pem reads an X.509 certificate in PEM string.
readX509Req reads a PKCS#10 certificate request in PEM string.
readSmime parses S/MIME message.
Read some data into a raw pointer buffer. Retrns the number of bytes read.
readDerX509 der reads in a certificate.
The callback was called to get a password to read something encrypted.
needs more data from the network
Lazily read all data until reaching EOF. If the connection dies without a graceful SSL shutdown, an exception is raised.
Try to read the given number of bytes from an SSL connection without blocking. NOTE: The returned bytestring could be shorter than the size requested, see:
Try to read some data into a raw pointer buffer, without blocking.