read -package:vector -package:relude package:storablevector

Control.Monad.ST.runST (do arr <- new_ 10; Monad.zipWithM_ (write arr) [9,8..0] ['a'..]; read arr 3)
Read an entire file strictly into a Vector. This is far more efficient than reading the characters into a String and then using pack. It also may be more efficient than opening the file and reading it using hGet. Files are read using 'binary mode' on Windows.
The file can only closed after all values are consumed. That is you must always assert that you consume all elements of the stream, and that no values are missed due to lazy evaluation. This requirement makes this function useless in many applications.
Returns Just e, when the element e could be read and Nothing if the index was out of range. This way you can avoid duplicate index checks that may be needed when using read.
Control.Monad.ST.runST (do arr <- new_ 10; Monad.zipWithM_ (write arr) [9,8..0] ['a'..]; read arr 3)
In future maybeRead will replace read.