runCommand -package:wai-app-static -package:libmpd -package:shake-plus -package:pandoc-plot -package:xmonad-contrib -package:process -is:exact

Runs a command using the shell.
Run an external command on the specified DotRepr. Remember to use hSetBinaryMode on the Handle for the output function if necessary. If the command was unsuccessful, then a GraphvizException is thrown. For performance reasons, a temporary file is used to store the generated Dot code. As such, this is only suitable for local commands.
Either calls the given continuation, prints help text and calls exitSuccess, or prints an error and calls exitFailure. See runSubcommand for details on subcommand support.
runCommand1 foo = runCommand [foo =: 1]
Called before a command is about to run. The first argument is the step index and the second is a string representing the command about to be run.
Currently, we support including only one RunCommandTarget block, which specifies either an array of InstanceIds or a tag.
Can be either tag: tag-key or InstanceIds.
If Key is tag: tag-key, Values is a list of tag values. If Key is InstanceIds, Values is a list of Amazon EC2 instance IDs.
This parameter contains the criteria (either InstanceIds or a tag) used to specify which EC2 instances are to be sent the command. See: newRunCommandParameters smart constructor.
Information about the EC2 instances that are to be sent the command, specified as key-value pairs. Each RunCommandTarget block can include only one key, but this key may specify multiple values. See: newRunCommandTarget smart constructor.
Default to True. Should you run command line actions, set to False to skip actions whose output streams and exit code are not used. Useful for profiling the non-command portion of the build system.
Create a value of RunCommandParameters with all optional fields omitted. Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields. The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility: $sel:runCommandTargets:RunCommandParameters', runCommandParameters_runCommandTargets - Currently, we support including only one RunCommandTarget block, which specifies either an array of InstanceIds or a tag.
Create a value of RunCommandTarget with all optional fields omitted. Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields. The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility: $sel:key:RunCommandTarget', runCommandTarget_key - Can be either tag: tag-key or InstanceIds. $sel:values:RunCommandTarget', runCommandTarget_values - If Key is tag: tag-key, Values is a list of tag values. If Key is InstanceIds, Values is a list of Amazon EC2 instance IDs.
Parameters used when you are using the rule to invoke Amazon EC2 Run Command.