take is:exact -package:bytestring -package:attoparsec -package:filepath

take n, applied to a list xs, returns the prefix of xs of length n, or xs itself if n >= length xs.
>>> take 5 "Hello World!"

>>> take 3 [1,2,3,4,5]

>>> take 3 [1,2]

>>> take 3 []

>>> take (-1) [1,2]

>>> take 0 [1,2]
It is an instance of the more general genericTake, in which n may be of any integral type.
take n xs returns the first n elements of xs.
O(n) take n, applied to a Text, returns the prefix of the Text of length n, or the Text itself if n is greater than the length of the Text.
O(n) take n, applied to a stream, returns the prefix of the stream of length n, or the stream itself if n is greater than the length of the stream. Properties
unstream . take n . stream = take n
O(n) take n, applied to a Text, returns the prefix of the Text of length n, or the Text itself if n is greater than the length of the Text.
Take a given number of entries in key order, beginning with the smallest keys.
take n = fromDistinctAscList . take n . toAscList
The first i elements of a sequence. If i is negative, take i s yields the empty sequence. If the sequence contains fewer than i elements, the whole sequence is returned.
Take a given number of elements in order, beginning with the smallest ones.
take n = fromDistinctAscList . take n . toAscList
O(1) Yield at the first n elements without copying. The vector may contain less than n elements, in which case it is returned unchanged.
The first n elements
The first n elements
O(1) Yield the first n elements without copying. The vector may contain less than n elements, in which case it is returned unchanged.
Take the n first elements of the mutable vector without making a copy. For negative n, the empty vector is returned. If n is larger than the vector's length, the vector is returned unchanged.
Take the n first elements of the mutable vector without making a copy. For negative n, the empty vector is returned. If n is larger than the vector's length, the vector is returned unchanged.
O(1) Yield at the first n elements without copying. The vector may contain less than n elements, in which case it is returned unchanged.
Take the n first elements of the mutable vector without making a copy. For negative n, the empty vector is returned. If n is larger than the vector's length, the vector is returned unchanged.
O(1) Yield at the first n elements without copying. The vector may contain less than n elements, in which case it is returned unchanged.
Take the n first elements of the mutable vector without making a copy. For negative n, the empty vector is returned. If n is larger than the vector's length, the vector is returned unchanged.
O(1) Yield at the first n elements without copying. The vector may contain less than n elements, in which case it is returned unchanged.
Take the n first elements of the mutable vector without making a copy. For negative n, the empty vector is returned. If n is larger than the vector's length, the vector is returned unchanged.
Stream up to n number of values downstream. Note that, if downstream terminates early, not all values will be consumed. If you want to force exactly the given number of values to be consumed, see takeExactly. Subject to fusion
Take some values from the stream and return as a list. If you want to instead create a conduit that pipes data to another sink, see isolate. This function is semantically equivalent to:
take i = isolate i =$ consume
Subject to fusion Since 0.3.0
take n s returns the first n characters of s. If s has less than n characters, then we return the whole of s.
take n s returns the first n characters of s. If s has less than n characters, then we return the whole of s.