until -package:numeric-prelude -package:language-bash -package:clash-prelude -package:extra -package:snap-core -package:hledger-web -package:util -package:mixed-types-num -package:free -package:base-compat -package:github -package:dunai

until p f yields the result of applying f until p holds.
repeat action until result fulfills condition
until p f yields the result of applying f until p holds.
Produce until the given event occurs. When it occurs, inhibit with its value forever.
  • Depends: now until event occurs.
  • Inhibits: forever after event occurs.
until n s0 s1 means that eventually n s1, and up until at least the period before s1 holds, s0 continuously holds. Note: Both argument streams must have sufficient history to drop n values from them.
True until another stream is true, within the time bounds specified. until l u clk dist s0 s1 is true at time t iff there exists a d, with l <= d <= u, such that s1 is true at time (t + d), and for all times t' with t <= t' < t + d, s0 is true at those times.
Run the supplied Maybe computation repeatedly until it returns a value. Returns that value.
Execute an action repeatedly until the condition expression returns True. The condition is evaluated after the loop body. Collects results into a list. Parameters are arranged for infix usage. eg. do {...} untilM_ ...
Execute an action repeatedly until the condition expression returns True. The condition is evaluated after the loop body. Collects results into a MonadPlus value. Parameters are arranged for infix usage. eg. do {...} untilM_ ...
Execute an action repeatedly until the condition expression returns True. The condition is evaluated after the loop body. Discards results. Parameters are arranged for infix usage. eg. do {...} untilM_ ...
Deprecated: use M.until
Repeat a
Repeat action until f does not give Nothing when applied to result.
Repeat action until predicate f is True when applied to result.
Negation of whileM: execute an action so long as the boolean returns false.
This utility function run a list of IO actions and returns the first that return a Just, if no one does, returns Nothing
Keep running an effectful computation until it returns a Right value, collecting the Left's using a supplied Monoid instance.
loop prompt until check