until -package:numeric-prelude -package:language-bash -package:clash-prelude -package:mixed-types-num -package:monad-loops -package:free -package:utility-ht -package:conferer -package:varying -package:scalpel -package:scalpel-core

until p f yields the result of applying f until p holds.
until p f yields the result of applying f until p holds.
Produce until the given event occurs. When it occurs, inhibit with its value forever.
  • Depends: now until event occurs.
  • Inhibits: forever after event occurs.
Keep running an operation until it becomes a Just, then return the value inside the Just as the result of the overall loop.
Repeat a
Repeat action until f does not give Nothing when applied to result.
Repeat action until predicate f is True when applied to result.
Negation of whileM: execute an action so long as the boolean returns false.
Keep running an effectful computation until it returns a Right value, collecting the Left's using a supplied Monoid instance.
Similar to Yampa's delayed switching. Loses a b in case of an exception.
Run the first msf until the second one produces True from the output of the first.
loop prompt until check