until -package:numeric-prelude -package:util -package:hedgehog -package:hspec -package:ghc -package:singletons-base -package:free -package:monad-loops

until p f yields the result of applying f until p holds.
repeat action until result fulfills condition
until p f yields the result of applying f until p holds.
Produce until the given event occurs. When it occurs, inhibit with its value forever.
  • Depends: now until event occurs.
  • Inhibits: forever after event occurs.
until n s0 s1 means that eventually n s1, and up until at least the period before s1 holds, s0 continuously holds. Note: Both argument streams must have sufficient history to drop n values from them.
True until another stream is true, within the time bounds specified. until l u clk dist s0 s1 is true at time t iff there exists a d, with l <= d <= u, such that s1 is true at time (t + d), and for all times t' with t <= t' < t + d, s0 is true at those times.
Keep running an operation until it becomes a Just, then return the value inside the Just as the result of the overall loop.
Deprecated: use M.until
Repeat a
Repeat action until f does not give Nothing when applied to result.
Repeat action until predicate f is True when applied to result.
Negation of whileM: execute an action so long as the boolean returns false.
This utility function run a list of IO actions and returns the first that return a Just, if no one does, returns Nothing
Repeat an action until the condition is fulfilled or the cursor stops moving. The Action may be performed zero times.
Keep running an effectful computation until it returns a Right value, collecting the Left's using a supplied Monoid instance.
loop prompt until check
Create a new serial context by moving the focus backward and collecting nodes until the scraper matches the focused node. The serial scraper is then executed on the collected nodes.