words -package:ghc-lib-parser -package:protolude -package:streamly-core

words breaks a string up into a list of words, which were delimited by white space (as defined by isSpace). This function trims any white spaces at the beginning and at the end.


>>> words "Lorem ipsum\ndolor"
>>> words " foo bar "
words breaks a ByteString up into a list of words, which were delimited by Chars representing white space.
words breaks a ByteString up into a list of words, which were delimited by Chars representing white space. And
tokens isSpace = words
O(n) Breaks a Text up into a list of words, delimited by Chars representing white space.
words breaks a string up into a list of words, which were delimited by white space.
>>> words "Lorem ipsum\ndolor"
words breaks a string up into a list of words, which were delimited by white space (as defined by isSpace). This function trims any white spaces at the beginning and at the end.
>>> words "Lorem ipsum\ndolor"

>>> words " foo bar "
Split an input into word-sized Docs.
>>> putDoc (tupled (words "Lorem ipsum dolor"))
(Lorem, ipsum, dolor)
Splits a bytestring InputStream into words. See splitOn and words. Example:
ghci> is <- Streams.fromList ["Hello, world!"] >>= Streams.words
ghci> replicateM 3 (Streams.read is)
[Just "Hello,", Just "world!", Nothing]
Note that this may increase the chunk size if the input contains extremely long words.
words takes Text and splits it into the list by words. Actual type of this function is the following:
words :: Text -> [Text]
but it was given a more complex type to provide friendlier compile time errors.
>>> words ""

>>> words "one line"

>>> words "   >_<   "

>>> words ("string words" :: String)
... 'words' works with 'Text', not 'String'.
Possible fixes:
1. Make sure OverloadedStrings extension is enabled.
2. Apply 'toText' to a single value.
3. Apply 'map toText' to the list value.

>>> words True
... 'words' works with 'Text'
But given: 'Bool'
Break up a textual sequence into a list of words, which were delimited by white space.
> words "abc  def ghi"
Convert a bytestream to delimited words Note: This function is purely for demonstration purposes since it assumes a particular encoding. You should prefer the Text equivalent of this function from the pipes-text library.
words breaks a byte stream up into a succession of byte streams corresponding to words, breaking on Chars representing white space. This is the genuinely streaming words. A function that returns individual strict bytestrings would concatenate even infinitely long words like cycle "y" in memory. When the stream is known to not contain unreasonably long words, you can write mapped toStrict . words or the like, if strict bytestrings are needed.
Breaks a string into a list of words
O(n) Breaks a JSString up into a list of words, delimited by Chars representing white space.
Splits the given YiString into a list of words, where spaces are determined by isSpace. No empty strings are in the result list.
The words function breaks a stream of characters into a stream of words, which were delimited by white space. Beware: if the stream of characters xs does not contain white space, accessing the tail of words xs will loop.
Split words in a string using spaces as separation
words "Hello Foundation"
Split a text stream into FreeT-delimited words. Note that roundtripping with e.g. over words id eliminates extra space characters as with Prelude.unwords . Prelude.words
Split an infinite string into words, by any isSpace symbol. Leading spaces are removed and, as underlined by the return type, repeated spaces are treated as a single delimiter.
Split a string into words.
processed words with the number of docs and the number of hits.
Not on Stackage, so not searched. Cross-platform access to a list of words