words -package:hedgehog -package:dimensional -package:streamly-core -package:stack is:package

Not on Stackage, so not searched. Cross-platform access to a list of words
Not on Stackage, so not searched. A word search solver library and executable
Not on Stackage, so not searched. Compare two files as sets of N-tuples of words.
Not on Stackage, so not searched. A higher-order effect system where the sky's the limit
Parse strings into words, like a shell would See https://github.com/pbrisbin/hs-shellwords#readme
SQL keywords data constructors into OverloadedString This package contains SQL keywords constructors defined as OverloadedString literals and helper functions to concate these.
Not on Stackage, so not searched. Generalized word blacklister
Not on Stackage, so not searched. Disambiguate obvious uses of effects when using in-other-words.
Not on Stackage, so not searched. Password generation/validation library
Not on Stackage, so not searched. Readline effect for in-other-words.