zipper -is:module -package:nonempty-zipper -package:zipper-extra -package:uniplate

Construct a Zipper that can explore anything, and start it at the Top.
Not on Stackage, so not searched. Generic zipper for families of recursive datatypes
This is the type of a Zipper. It visually resembles a "breadcrumb trail" as used in website navigation. Each breadcrumb in the trail represents a level you can move up to. This type operator associates to the left, so you can use a type like
Top :>> (String,Double) :>> String :>> Char
to represent a Zipper from (String,Double) down to Char that has an intermediate crumb for the String containing the Char. You can construct a Zipper into *any* data structure with zipper. You can repackage up the contents of a Zipper with rezip.
>>> rezip $ zipper 42
The combinators in this module provide lot of things you can do to the Zipper while you have it open. Note that a value of type h :> s :> a doesn't actually contain a value of type h :> s -- as we descend into a level, the previous level is unpacked and stored in Coil form. Only one value of type _ :> _ exists at any particular time for any particular Zipper.
A generic zipper with a root object of type root.
Traversal based zippers Traversal based zippers.
Not on Stackage, so not searched. An implementationg of Attribute Grammars using Functional Zippers
Zipper for rose trees A zipper consist of the current tree and the branches on the way back to the root
Conversion of a navigatable rose tree into an ordinary rose tree. The context, the parts for moving up to the root are just removed from the tree. So when transforming a navigatable tree by moving around and by changing some nodes, one has to navigate back to the root, else that parts are removed from the result
Conversion of a rose tree into a navigatable rose tree
A text editor zipper library This library provides a zipper and API for editing text.
Empty a zipper.
Create a zipper using a custom text storage type. Takes the initial text as well as all of the functions necessary to manipulate the underlying text values.
Construct a zipper from list values.
Construct a zipper from Text values.
Construct a zipper from vectors of characters.