
Lifted, heterogeneous equality. By lifted, we mean that it can be bogus (deferred type error). By heterogeneous, the two types a and b might have different kinds. Because ~~ can appear unexpectedly in error messages to users who do not care about the difference between heterogeneous equality ~~ and homogeneous equality ~, this is printed as ~ unless -fprint-equality-relations is set. In 0.7.0, the fixity was set to infix 4 to match the fixity of :~~:.
Create a linear trail between two given points.
= mconcat ((~~) <$> hexagon 1 <*> hexagon 1)
# centerXY # pad 1.1
Match a file name against a glob pattern.
Group subtraction: x ~~ y == x <> invert y
An infix alias for Named.
Signal application. | Note that it is a double tilde, differing from | purescript-signal, as a single tilde is used | in Haskell for lazy evaluation.
Return True if the current file's name matches the given GlobPattern.